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Finally! Here's an actionable tool that actually walks you through how to design & build out a digital product for your business!
Looking for a detailed checklist to help you from start to finish during the design phase? Need help outlining your product and creating a prototype? Are you stuck on what the heck to write for sales copy on your sales page?
We've got your completely covered with the Digital Product Creation Workbook!
Inside, I'll walk you through all of the steps I take to go from idea to product, all in a hands-on kind of way! Order your workbook today...before time runs out!
usually $15
With this Digital Product Creation Workbook, we'll walk you through breaking that overwhelming idea of creating a product down into smaller, more manageable steps so all that’s left is to connect the dots and create your product (that actually sells)!
Get this product for just $6 in the next 10 minutes. This is the only time you’ll ever see this price so grab yours now!
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